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Deadline July 15. This is an online photo exhibition

Call for Entries:
Second Annual

Competition & Exhibition

Doors to New Perspectives and Possibilities

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DECAGON GALLERY is an online photography gallery based in Brooklyn, NY that specializes in contemporary photography. The gallery offers photographers several curated platforms to showcase their work and connect with art enthusiasts worldwide. 




Competition Details and Prizes:

- The competition is open to all photographers over 18 of all skill levels, from amateurs to professionals.

- Entries will be judged based on creativity, composition, relevance to the theme, and overall impact.

- The winning photographs will be featured in an online exhibition and across our social media platforms.

- The photographer with the First Place entry will receive $300 and will be offered a free online exhibit in the FEATURED section of the gallery.

- Second Place entry will receive $200

- And Third Place entry will receive $100

- An exhibition catalogue will be made available to purchase from a print-on-demand service.

- This exhibit will be edited into a 4 to 5 minute video posted on our YouTube channel for the world to see.



Submission Guidelines:

- Submit your original photographs that vividly depict the theme.

- Each participant can submit up to TEN images - jpg or jpeg files only.

- Format your images to be at least 2000 pixels on the long side. Name your files: FirstName-LastName_title.jpg


Important Dates:

- Submissions officially opens: June 1, 2024

- Submission Deadline: July 15, 2024

- Notification of Acceptance: August 1, 2024

- Exhibition Dates: August 1 — September 30, 2024



How to Enter:

- Submit your entries here by July 15, 2024. The entry fee is only $20 for 4 images and $4 for each additional image up to a total of 10 images.

- If you are experiencing a financial hardship or live in a war zone, please reach out to us for a reduced entry fee.

- You retain full rights to your submitted photographs, but you allow Decagon Gallery to publish your photographs in this online exhibition and to promote the exhibition and the gallery. We will never distribute your photographs to anyone without your permission.


Join us in using the art of photography to explore the concept of OPENINGS. We look forward to seeing the world through your lens.

For inquiries or further information, please contact our gallery at     

Decagon Gallery is proud to announce its second annual OPENINGS exhibition. All photographers over 18 are invited to submit their photographs to this online exhibition.


The theme of "Openings" can be interpreted in various ways. Photographs that relate to this theme may showcase physical openings such as doorways, windows, or tunnels, or metaphorical openings such as opportunities, beginnings, or breakthroughs. 


Photographers can also explore the idea of openings in a more abstract manner, such as through the use of light and shadow, negative space, or unconventional angles.

2nd Annual Openings-Ad.jpg


Your files must be set to 2000 pixels on the long edge, saved as jpg or jpeg, and be less than 2 mb (that's the size of the closed file).

Name the file like this: First Name-Last Name_Title

eg. Justin-Murphy_Streetcorner Serenade.jpg

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at:

Submit to OPENINGS




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The images I am entering are my own creation, and they do not infringe upon the copyright of others.
How many photographs are you submitting?

Thanks for your entry!

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